Dietary Info

Can bone broth help Candida Overgrowth?

I experienced Candida overgrowth for more than three years and during that time I went through a whole lot of stress to get to the bottom of what was going on with my health. Having never experienced prolonged infections, I found the whole experience frustrating and traumatising, particularly when I was unable to find help for what was happening to me. I can’t remember the number of times I visited the doctors, but after my second baby was born and I was still suffering from recurrent thrush I lost faith in the health system and decided to research my health problems to see if I could get find out what was going on. I have to say, there is some pretty wild information out there on the Internet and you need to be careful about what you read, and what you try. I was so desperate to get rid of thrush that I tried everything; changing my diet and cutting out sugar, juicing, vegging and even applying coconut oil and garlic straight onto thrush, but this only made it worse. Eventually, I got the message that the problem was not topical, as the doctors were convinced and I started to look internally thinking about my health as a whole. It dawned on me that I was overweight and that I had digestive problems too, so that’s when I started to research further and discovered Candida overgrowth. The more I learned about it, the more I became convinced that I was suffering from the same problem. I decided to give a few things a try to start with and that was to start making bone broth.

Bone broth in making

I’d read online that bone broth was helping people’s digestive systems function better. Knowing that mine was not functioning well at all, I thought I would give it a try. I had a look online to buy some but found that there was only one real supplier in the UK and they were very expensive, so I had a go at making it. My first few attempts were awful and it stunk the entire house out. I remember not realising that you had to remove the fat from the top of the broth, and I drank the broth with the fat also. It was disgusting, and I actually gave up on making the broth for a while, but eventually, I did some more research and learned about what I was meant to do and gave it another try producing a good broth that I added to a special soup that I started to make for myself. Every day, I ate my broth soup for lunch and within a week I was already starting to notice a change in my digestive system. That was when I decided to cut out all sugar and follow a Candida cleanse. Within another week I was seeing a big difference in my digestive system I wasn’t bloated anymore and my thrush was starting to go away. I carried on eating the soup daily and following an Anti-Candida Diet, which I designed myself and within 12 weeks my Candida overgrowth had pretty much gone.

Can bone broth help Candida Overgrowth?

Since starting on my journey with bone broth, I know that it was one of the main factors in improving my health because it also helped my husband. He too started to include broth into his diet and within 12 weeks he had also lost a stone. Now running a broth business and selling directly to my customers, I experience first-hand many of their health stories where they accredit bone broth, but with little scientific research to back up it’s abilities there are no health claims that we can make anywhere in the world.

So, did bone broth help my Candida overgrowth? Unfortunately, due to the censorship of bone broth in the UK and Europe this article does not contain any information about bone broth and Candida overgrowth. Bone broth has not been approved for making health statements due to a lack of science and a lack of support for science for this nourishing drink. Getting food products approved on the health register is extremely complicated, difficult, and expensive. We would love to pursue the ability to make health statements about our products, but we have been stopped at all given opportunity. No universities want to work with us, no hospitals want to work with us, no scientists and no doctors. After years of applying for funding, support from the industry and much more, we have been refused and any time we try, we are instantly shut down.

2 thoughts on “Can bone broth help Candida Overgrowth?

  1. dee says:

    hi i have been on the bone broth for 2 weeks now i have been suffering from candida for 16 years now ive tried everything and more so far bone broth has helped i want it gone it has given me so much pain and grief i have ibs from it its depressing

    1. Rachel Down says:

      Hi Dee. Candida overgrowth is tough to get rid of. You need to turn your attention to your gut microbes too, bone broth is awesome because it helps to reduce gut inflammation. If you’re based in the UK, then you could buy some of our cranberry kefir water, this drink has natural probiotics. If you can’t get this, then take a high strength probiotic 50 billion CFU and cut out all carbs, only eating meat and vegetables, no fruit. I have a book that is available on Amazon called Be Candida Free. If you search it up you can buy it and my program is in there on how I got rid of Candida. Rachel

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