Dietary Info

Is bone broth safe for babies?

Beef Bone Broth Jelly
Is bone broth safe for babies

Is it okay to give broth to babies?

I’m frequently asked “Is bone broth safe for babies? I started to give my own children bone broth as soon as I knew how to make it properly. It was always important to ensure my son had bone broth included in his diet because I’ve always felt that he suffered from poor gut health since he was born. Jack was given antibiotics as soon as he was born. When Jack was a few weeks old, he would grunt and kick his legs at 4  a.m. every morning. He was trying to pass wind; sometimes he would, others not. After, he would remain constipated for days.

My theory is that antibiotics early in his life prevented some of the bacteria from colonising and growing leaving him with digestive problems. Jack is now five years old and has bone broth frequently in his diet. I have been giving broth to him from the age of 3. My daughter was 18 months when she first had bone broth. Adding bone broth to their meals is an important part of their diet.

After receiving many requests for information about the nutritional value of our beef bone broth, we listened and sent our broth off to the lab:

In 100g of beef bone broth you will find:
Calories: 22
Protein: 5.5g
Total Fat: 0g
Total Carbs: 1g
Collagen: 3.6g
Sodium: < 0.5g
Vit A: 0.005mg

Is bone broth safe for babies?

Unfortunately, due to the censorship of bone broth in the UK and Europe this article does not contain any information about bone broth and it’s safety for babies. Bone broth has not been approved for making health statements due to a lack of science and a lack of support for science for this nourishing drink. Getting food products approved on the health register is extremely complicated, difficult, and expensive. We would love to pursue the ability to make health statements about our products, but we have been stopped at all given opportunity. No universities want to work with us, no hospitals want to work with us, no scientists and no doctors. After years of applying for funding, support from the industry and much more, we have been refused and any time we try, we are instantly shut down.