Dietary Info, Health Tips

Benefits of Kefir Water

Benefits of Kefir Water

Kefir water is a tangy and effervescent naturally sparking drink. This refreshing beverage, made from water, sugar, and kefir grains, is not only a delicious alternative to sugary sodas and juices but also a powerhouse of nutrients that support overall well-being. Unfortunately, the British Broth Company is not allowed to share with you the health benefits of kefir water, because we sell the product. In Europe, kefir water has not been approved for making health statements due to a lack of science and a lack of support for science for this delicious drink. Getting food products approved on the health register is extremely complicated, difficult, and expensive. We would love to pursue the ability to make health statements about our products, but we have been stopped at all given opportunity. No universities want to work with us, no hospitals want to work with us, no scientists and no doctors. After years of applying for funding, support from the industry and much more, we have been refused and any time we try, we are instantly shut down.

Therefore, we encourage you to do your own research about kefir water and we can recommend some links to other websites. See below. Clink on the titles to be taken to another website, but please come back to check out our drinks 🙂

Thank you always for your ongoing support.

Kefir Water – Medicine Net

Kefir Water – WebMD

Kefir Water – BBC

Kefir Water – National Library of Medicine

Kefir (Milk based) – Healthline